Tranquility Home at Weber Human Services is a program that works in partnership with DCFS and the Courts to provide treatment for mothers who are battling Substance Addiction. These mothers, who would normally lose custody of their children, are worked with to maintain custody while they go through treatment. It is a live-in residential program and the children continue to live with their mothers while they work their treatment program.
RC Willey is a community partner who worked with us last week to further bridge the gaps in this program. The donation enhanced the living areas of the home as well as the group areas for both the mothers and children. We are very grateful with the generous donation we received from RC Willey, Riverdale and the many wonderful other donations from organizations and individuals in our community all year long. This donation today was one where a team of RC Willey employees donated time and resources to make a difference in the lives of the women and children who reside at this facility. A team of 10-15 employees took the time along with Dan Walker, General Manager of RC Willey on Riverdale Road to come personally and bring the donation.
Weber Human Services Foundation was created in 1993 for the purpose of raising funds to fill funding gaps for the programs. The Foundation provides monetary and in-kind donations for programs that aren’t covered by budgetary dollars. The agency does not get funding for the children who need supplies to live at Tranquility Home. There is no funding to provide the children to catch up on delays in their development, or even supplies like bathing items and clothing for the many months a mother and child reside in the home while the mother completes her treatment. This donation is making a difference in the lives of many children and their mothers who are working to have a better life.
Summer Williams, Foundation Director
(801) 778-6834